Photo Gallery Addition

09/21/2010 13:08

Hi everyone!


I decided to remove the calendar feature and replace it with a general dog photo gallery. It was a bit redundant, anyway. The gallery is currently divided into 3 categories. I will likely add more as the puppies grow to sort photos by age. I also added a gallery for our adult dogs. Check them out by using the drop down menu under the "Canine Photo Gallery." Let me know on the Guestbook if you want to see more of a particular puppy and I will try to get some more photos up. I think we have them all, but its hard to get the same number of photos for each pup. Also, some of the photos were taken using an app that has a color highlighting feature. So if you notice some puppies seem a little funky colored (usually with red or blue highlights) that is why. I thought I would get all artsy creative with it. Enjoy the cuteness!